Benefits of Naturopathic Telemedicine

Telemedicine allows a person to access medical care virtually for a wide range of healthcare conditions. There are many benefits to these online visits including convenience and having all your information with you at home.

When you work with a naturopath in telemedicine, you get a holistic approach to your care.

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Dr. Evelyn CordovaComment
6 Simple Strategies to Improve your Cognitive Health

Your cognitive or mental health is vital to your everyday experience, overall well-being and longevity explains Dr. Julie Rowin, a board-certified neurologist and integrative medicine doctor at Verde Valley Naturopathic Medicine in Sedona, Arizona where she specializes in the treatment and prevention of neurological illness.

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Leah WilliamsComment
Myers Cocktail IV Benefits

Intravenous (IV) therapy is the administration of a fluid substance (solution) directly into a vein as a therapeutic treatment and the Myers’ Cocktail is one such treatment. It was developed by John Myers, M.D., a Baltimore physician who pioneered the use of intravenous nutrition for the treatment of many conditions. The standard Myers’ Cocktail uses a mixture of the following vitamins and minerals…

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Jessica HaymanComment
Early Cancer Detection Test

We are excited to share that we now offer a revolutionary multi-cancer early detection test for our patients.

It’s called the Galleri Multi-Cancer Early-Detection Test* and it can detect more than 50 types of cancer by looking for signals in the blood that may be associated with cancer. If caught in its early stages, cancer treatment outcomes and survival rates may be improved.

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Ozonated Saline IV Therapy

Ozonated Saline IV is an alternative treatment to Ozone IV therapy and offers the same benefit. As a result, it is quickly growing in popularity.

In normal ozone therapy, the blood is drawn from the patient and is ozonated. This is then infused back into the patient with an IV drip.

When you undergo Ozonated Saline IV, there is no need to draw blood. The saline is ozonated first and then infused into the patient by IV.

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Naturopathic Approach to Women's Medicine

Women’s medicine focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and conditions that affect women. This includes a range of specialities, such as reproductive health, menopause, Well Woman Exams (including pelvic and breast examination), and sexual health. If you are considering a naturopathic physician for your needs, then it is important to know the difference between a naturopathic approach to women’s medicine and the traditional allopathic approach.

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Prolotherapy for Joint Pain

Over 15 million Americans suffer from severe joint pain and that number is rising every year. Painkillers such as acetaminophen and NSAID analgesics (which include ibuprofen and naproxen/Aleve) are the standard treatments. There are also stronger prescription painkillers used such as opioids. Some people find relief with painkillers, however, most learn to cope with the pain with little to no hope of it ever being cured.

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Benefits of a Liver Cleanse

The liver, which is the body’s largest solid organ, carries out many functions necessary for survival, including blood detoxification and purification as well as metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Since the average person consume various forms of toxins from food, water, and drugs daily, the importance of the liver is not to be overlooked.

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Alpha Lipoic Acid IV

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a compound naturally produced in all cells of the body and is also found in a variety of foods. ALA is well known as a powerful antioxidant, which helps protect the body from the harm caused by free radicals. Free radicals are naturally formed from metabolism, however,

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Jessica Hayman
Six Ways to Minimize Mercury Exposure

Problems that arise from mercury exposure stem from a combination of factors: amount/dose, method of exposure (ingestion, inhalation, skin contact), and length of exposure. We are all exposed to low levels of mercury to some degree. Exposure can occur through contaminated drinking water; foods grown in contaminated soil; a diet high in mercury-laden fish/shellfish; medical procedures (dental, vaccination); and through accidental/occupational exposure to industrial waste.

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